So I went for the latest craze in town – Paintball. Here is what happened in 8 easy sentences:
- Got up at 07:00 AM.
- Spent an hour travelling to the arena by road.
- Spent 1 more hour waiting for our chance of the action.
- Spent 1/2 an hour listening to the briefing – do’s and don'ts of paintball.
- Entered the arena.
- Got shot 5 times in 53 seconds.
- Sat 2 more hours for everyone else to finish.
- Travelled an hour back.
Now I got 5 bruises on Mr. T which proclaim my stupidity. I bet for my opponents I was just a sitting duck waiting to be shot at (target practice!). Or worst still, I looked like a grazing cow! But I consider myself to be a brave soldier. It takes more than guts (read sheer stupidity) to go head on into the line of fire of 5 Singaporean active military personnel poised to shoot anyone coming in there (It takes suicidal instincts :) !!).
All and all I figured I am not the paintball kind of a guy (I know that's what losers say ;) !). I am more of the bowling kind.