So bowling has caught on me lately. Not because I like that game, but because every one of my friend is crazy about it, and it is the only decent game that we can play in the evenings without getting sweaty.
My bowling skills are breathtaking. I can throw the ball in the gutter from any angle. I guess I am so good at it that I can probably aim for the gutter blind-folded. I know you guys must be smirking at the fact that I can't even bowl. But you got me completely wrong.
I am gonna start a new organization called PCBP - Prevention of Cruelty to Bowling Pins (pervert minded souls - stop making other *meaningful* acronyms out of it :P) Imagine a job in which you have to stand miserably close to each other for 8 hours a day, only to be hit by a huge ugly ball 5 times your weight! If you are not hit in the first chance, the other employees that fell are cleared off the floor and you are made to stand alone, facing the huge bull charging at you. No lunch breaks, no tea breaks, no meetings, not even appraisals. Do the same thing over and over again every day of your life!
Every time that I stand to bowl, I see the harmless pins waiting in anticipation of the agony that they are going to be meted out, and my heart goes out to them. I can't change their life, but I can definitely not cause pain to them. That's the reason why I throw the ball in the gutter. Next time that any of you comes bowling with me, stop laughing at me, and think about the Pins... I may not become a Lettuce Lady, but I definitely feel for them (for the pins I meant :P).