Friday, July 28, 2006

Yellow Stickies!

When I say Post-It Notes, I refer to the ubiquitous yellow stickies that have been made soo famous by the name of the Company that made it first! Just like Pepsi, Xerox or our very own Google!

Well, there is this certain thing about Post-It notes that makes them really fun to use! If you have to give a short casual message to someone, you don't end up typing it up and sending an email. You just walk up to that person to talk. And if he/she isn't in her cubicle, you write it down on a Post-It and there it sits cutely awaiting the intended recipient!

Now the weirdo I am, I love to collect such small personal messages that people leave at my desk. (Well, this single sentence of mine conveys many things .. 1) I am really busy and in meetings all the time so I am not at my place OR 1) I have really no work, and I am never at my place just trying to kill time. 2) I am very important so many people come to talk to me OR 2) I am known to be a guy with no work, and people come to me to kill time :) !!)

I have a big private collection of the very best sticky notes that I have ever got, and just added another one to my prized collection today :) !!

Back to work...

Monday, July 24, 2006

What the heck is "GMUZ"??

For those of you who have gone through the routine of getting a username on a popular website, you understand what exactly I am talking about when I say "I couldn't get an username, like I wanted it to be!".

I mean, the simple guy that I am (hehe!), I was looking for a girish, girishm etc. etc. But, my dear mom and dad never thought about all these problems ( I mean the problem of getting a unique user name) when I was born, and they chose to name me the mundane "Girish". Now Girish I am, and Girish I will be! (Yaa, I was thinking of becoming a puff-diddy, but somehow it didnt go down well with my last name you see ;) !!)

Now gmuz, is that "you-love-it-or-you-hate-it but you-have-to-use-it!" kind of thingie that got stuck to me some two years back. Can't reveal the details of why, where or how, but then, I have been using it as my identification for long now!

So I thought that I will use it as my blogspot domain too. Now let me warn you, I ain't facinated by that id, so please refrain from calling me "gmuz" :) !!

Sunday morning rants!

Being a Software Engineer, Sunday mornings are always bad for me. Bad because, they signify the last morning of your two-day weekend. When you get up you know that its the last day you can get up soo late!

All the same, Sunday mornings are the only time that I get to sit online and do stuff online that I otherwise don't do over the week. (Well before you come up with some real wild guesses ;) ... its just 1) Check my orkut scrapbook 2) Chat on the messenger!)

Well, today doing the second thingie (that's chat!), I ended up chatting with my room-mate (yupp the guy who lives in the same apartment as I do). Yaa, we do chat online too, though it would have been really easy for us to make our vocal chords make noises and reach each other! But thats technology, and we have to use it right??

So, in the course of our discussion, we came across this particular song "Kashmakash" by "Alms for Shanti" that we both kinda liked, and hadn't heard since it was broadcast on TV some 4 years back. The techie that he is, my roomie fetched that song from somewhere online and I am listening to it right now! (On second thoughts, shall I say he googled it. It's an official verb now, and we can use it, can't we? ;) !!)

We are ordering the CD from Amazon, the song is too good. I do not know how many of you have really heard it. So I thought I give it space on my otherwise unused/unread blog..

Here is the link...

Now me goes back to being the sad old soul that I have recently become over the last few years :) !!!

Hello World

"Hello Blogger"

Everything has to start with a "Hello World" :) !!